The Adler Motorcycles Australian web site was first opened on the 1st July 2000. The format was changed in March 2009 to make the site one which encourages interaction between Adler owners.
The aim of the web site is to be a contact point for Adler motorcycle enthusiasts throughout the World.
My philosphy in life is:-
If what you collect is true, then keep what does speak to you, so you can in turn tell its story
The site also provides a source of information from existing sites and owners, as well as the opportunity to interact by the Q & A page, with other Adler owners.
All Information on the site is given in good faith and no responsibility for accuracy is provided.
Check the site regularly as it will change as new information comes to hand.
About Myself
My name is Don Littleford and I live in Toowoomba, Australia, which is right in the middle of the C on the map ( above ). I am now 78 and motorcycles are a major part of my life. I told myself that I will give up riding when I forget to put my feet down when the bike stops.
My first Adler was a 1955 MB 250S which I purchased in 1957. The bike at that time was very rare in Australia as most bikes were English and a twin English bike ( Matchless, Norton, AJS, etc ), could be bought for about the same price.
Those were the care free days when motorcycle riders thought they were indestructable. I used to ride with no helmet ( not required by law in Australia then ), bare feet, and no gloves, but a Brando jacket to impress the girls. Luckily there were not many cars around then to argue with. Now days my attitude has changed and I use full protection and keep alert when I ride.
The Adler was a sensational performer around town with it's brisk acceleration and handling. The bike gave me much pleasure and was a great leap forward from my previous Vespa motor scooter and 150cc BSA Bantam.
In 1994 I started riding again after 35 years and went the full HOG and bought a Harley Davidson .
After three Harleys, it was time to look around and in 2000 I managed to find a 1955 MB 250 Adler that had just been restored. When I first saw this bike it brought back all the wild memories of my youth and I just had to buy it.
It has since been converted to upswept exhaust .
I am now bringing back fond memories of my early motorcycling days and the Adler will be here when all others are gone.
Also in the garage I now have a 1973 Honda CB750 and a 2014 Suzuki C50T boulevard.

Contact Information :-
Don Littleford Post Office Box 9597 WILSONTON Queensland Australia 4350
Email :-
Telephone:- International 617 46 141 207, Australia 07 46 141 207, Mobile 0418 711 612